
Online Counseling FAQ

Online Counseling FAQ

Being online is nothing out of the ordinary for us - but doing therapy online is. Since COVID-19 almost 100% of medical and mental health services quickly transitioned to providing services via secure online video/audio platforms and now it is here to stay. So let’s answer some common questions asked and clear up some of the misinformation out there about online mental health counseling.

Find A Therapist And Mental Health Stigma

Find A Therapist And Mental Health Stigma

When thinking about entering into a relationship with a counselor/therapist or not, one of your evaluating factors HAS TO BE the societal stigma of “being in therapy”. Say what?! Huh. I don’t say this to heighten or increase the stigma but because this is a HUGE barrier that keeps people from asking for help from a trained mental health professional.

5 Counseling Myths

5 Counseling Myths

No matter what the topic is, there seems to be myths out there about it. Whether it’s that gum takes 7 years to digest once swallowed, or that cracking your knuckles causes arthritis. Not sure why myths are created, or what roots these counseling myths were originated in, but my thought is that they were created by people who were afraid to take the leap into personal growth, and/or who had a negative experience in counseling.